Academy of Therapy Wisdom - Online Programs and Training for Therapists

The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe - Working with Boundaries Inside and Out

With Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP

Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP


When we feel safe, we risk vulnerability. We are brave about showing up authentically. We stay connected to those around us and we have flexibility in our responses.

Often our clients are able to experience a sense of safety in the therapy room, but how do we help them develop a greater sense of feeling safe outside of our offices?

Our clients have often intuited this connection between needing more safety and having better boundaries. They ask us to look at "having better boundaries" and we often think about this as a moment to teach them how to say “no,” and how to set limits with others.

But this is a very limited understanding of boundary work.

Fundamentally, boundaries are what help us and our clients feel safe…and from safety, we can fully engage in relationships with a sense of self-worth and confidence.

The brain is actively processing boundaries on many different levels simultaneously: Our sense of safety comes first from our autonomic nervous system, which scans our body over 200 times a minute, for signs of physical danger. Equally important are our sense of psychological safety in relationships, our sense of being OK with ourselves, and our sense of living our lives in integrity with our values.

Each of these senses of safety is monitored and protected by specific neural patterns that we call boundaries.

In this course, we’ll cover the following topics:

Session 1: What Do We Mean When We Say Boundaries?
Session 2: Finding Interpersonal Peace Through Your Psychological Boundary
Session 3: Living in Integrity with Your Containing Boundary
Session 4: Executing Boundaries Interpersonally
Session 5: Deepening Boundary Work: Safety and Grief

Get a peek inside!

In each session, we will go in-depth into the different neural network patterns that the brain uses to process boundaries. We can then utilize that knowledge to design practices that work with each type of neural network, so we can offer clients tools to take home and use to permanently change their brains.

It’s one thing for a client to feel safe while they are in session with you….but with a clear understanding of boundaries, we can help our clients build safety for themselves and feel clear, respected, and empowered even when they aren’t in the therapy room.

Working with boundaries in this way has an exponential effect: clients begin to shift their relationships with themselves and others...which ends up shifting their family system, as well as their social and professional environments. Ultimately, it ends up shifting all the systems they touch and creating positive social change.

We invite you to join us today.

Jules Shore and
Academy of Therapy Wisdom

Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP


Clients often come to us looking to work on “having good boundaries.” We usually see this as an opportunity to teach them how to say “no,” and how to set limits with others.

But this is a very limited understanding of boundary work.

Fundamentally, boundaries are what help us and our clients feel safe…and from safety, we can fully engage in relationships with a sense of self-worth and confidence.

The brain is actively processing boundaries on many different levels simultaneously: Our sense of safety comes first from our autonomic nervous system, which scans our body over 200 times a minute, for signs of physical danger. Equally important are our sense of psychological safety in relationships, our sense of being OK with ourselves, and our sense of living our lives in integrity with our values.

Each of these senses of safety is monitored and protected by specific neural patterns that we call boundaries.

In this course, we’ll cover the following topics:

Session 1: What Do We Mean When We Say Boundaries?
Session 2: Finding Interpersonal Peace Through Your Psychological Boundary
Session 3: Living in Integrity with Your Containing Boundary
Session 4: Executing Boundaries Interpersonally
Session 5: Deepening Boundary Work: Safety and Grief

In each session, we will go in-depth into the different neural network patterns that the brain uses to process boundaries. We can then utilize that knowledge to design practices that work with each type of neural network, so we can offer clients tools to take home and use to permanently change their brains.

It’s one thing for a client to feel safe while they are in session with you….but with a clear understanding of boundaries, we can help our clients build safety for themselves and feel clear, respected, and empowered even when they aren’t in the therapy room.

Working with boundaries in this way has an exponential effect: clients begin to shift their relationships with themselves and others...which ends up shifting their family system, as well as their social and professional environments. Ultimately, it ends up shifting all the systems they touch and creating positive social change.

We invite you to join us today.

Jules Shore and
Academy of Therapy Wisdom

"My clients have shown me that deep boundary work when done both inside and out has the power to change their lives."

—Jules Taylor Shore

The Four Boundaries:

Physical Boundaries


This is the brain stem level assessment of our physical safety. If we sense danger at this level, the brain will not be able to establish any other type of safety.

Psychological Boundaries


The space between me and another person that allows me to be curious about them and their feelings...without getting sucked in or overwhelmed.

Containing Boundaries


This is the pause between what I feel and what I do that allows me to consider how my actions might affect my relationships.

Executed Boundaries


This is a journey of defining what is and is not “OK” in our value system, and how to live in integrity with that.

With Better Boundaries Clients Experience:

Increased safety

Increased safety

Feeling more attuned

Feeling more attuned

Feeling closer with your partner

Feeling closer with your partner

Feeling more integrity

Feeling more integrity

Feeling greater acceptance about the world

Feeling greater acceptance about the world

Here’s Everything That’s Included with
The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe

Five In-Depth Teaching Modules

1. Five In-Depth Teaching Modules

2. Five Recorded Training Calls with Jules

Five Recorded Training Calls with Jules
Private Membership Site

3. Private Membership Site

4. Downloadable Videos and Transcripts

Downloadable Videos and Transcripts

Plus, Five Special Bonuses

1. Boundaries and Parenting: Matching the Developmental Shifts in Your Child with Kim John Payne

Be part of an in-depth discussion about how boundaries in parenting need to shift through the developmental journey of your child and your family. Kim John Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting and the Soul of Discipline, offers insights into setting good boundaries with children and teens in an emotionally healthy way. Payne’s insights into boundary setting as a parent embody this truth about boundaries: boundaries bring us closer together.

Boundaries and Parenting: Matching the Developmental Shifts in Your Child with Kim John Payne
Boundaries + Sex = Pleasure with Jami Lynn Bula

2. Boundaries + Sex = Pleasure with Jami Lynn Bula

Jami Lynn Bula is a sex therapist and relationship therapist in Austin, Texas. She talks with her clients about boundaries in more sessions than not and is excited to share with you her strategies for helping her clients explore, commit to, and execute their sexual boundaries. As Jami Lynn says to her clients Boundaries + Sex = more pleasure, more freedom, and more fulfillment.

3. A Session on Boundaries

In this full length demo, Jules will share a full session and pause the work to talk through thought processes and intentions she had while working with this client. This video is a single session with a client who has reported back about a month after the session that she found “life-changing.” Jules will walk you, step-by-step, through the boundary work she did with this client and will even share information about brain function that we can see within the session.

A Session on Boundaries
Meditations on Boundaries

4. Meditations on Boundaries

In this offering, Jules will lead you through guided imagery meditations she uses with her own clients to create Psychological and Containing Boundaries. Use these meditations yourself and use them with your clients. Jules will guide you through creating your own version that is just right for your clients and you. This is a tool you can bring back to your office tomorrow to help your clients create boundary practices right away.

5. A Therapist and Their Boundaries: Taking an Inner Journey to Improve Your Boundaries in the Chair, a workbook

In this workbook, you will be guided through a process of discovery about how your own boundaries and history with boundaries show up in your role as a therapist. This workbook is full of exercises that will help you gain clarity on where your boundaries are healthy and where they may be more rigid or more porous. It includes practices for increasing awareness of boundaries and making better boundaries in your role as a therapist.

A Therapist and Their Boundaries: Taking an Inner Journey to Improve Your Boundaries in the Chair, a workbook
Applied Boundary Work for Couples: Working with clients through Terry Real's Time Out Practice

6. Applied Boundary Work for Couples: Working with clients through Terry Real's Time Out Practice

Using time outs with couples can be a game changer. This can turn a relationship from one filled with blow ups to one with tons of personal responsibility and respect overnight. I love using time outs with couples and most of my couples have a bit of a challenge wrapping their heads around this tool. In this video, I talk about using time outs with couples, offer language to help you present it and answer some of the most frequently asked questions I get from couples who feel uneasy about this tool.

The Power of Healthy Boundaries:
The Playground Experiment

A group of architects in Mississippi conducted a simple study to investigate the presence of a fence around a playground and how that fence would physically and psychologically impact preschool children.

Teachers took their children to a local playground with no fence during their normal recess hour. The kids were allowed to play as normal. The same group was later taken to a comparable playground in which there was a defined border designated by a fence.

The researchers found a striking difference in how the children interacted in the fenced-in playground and in the open playground:

Without a fence around the playground, the preschool children remained huddled around their teacher, fearful of wandering out of sight.

With a fence around the playground, the children spread out and ran freely all around the playground. They were able to separate from the teacher and develop their sense of self while feeling they were in a safe environment with the structure of a boundary.

The researchers concluded that the boundary of the fence provided the psychological safety for the children to explore the space with a greater sense of freedom. So it is with our clients and their boundaries.

The Power of Healthy Boundaries: The Playground Experiment
Academy of Therapy Wisdom - Online Programs and Training for Therapists

Our courses are At the Intersection of Psychotherapy, spirituality, and social change


Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside

The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe

Session One: What Do We Mean When We Say Boundaries?

In this session, we will define four different kinds of boundaries, learn to assess and discern which kind of boundaries your client needs to focus on, and begin to explore pathways in the brain that support boundary work. We’ll also dissect clinical work with clients to take the ideas out of the classroom and into session.

In this module, we'll:

Explore how boundary work is helpful to clients

Define four types of boundary work

Define pathways in the brain that support boundaries

Assess which type of boundary work a client needs

Learn contracting techniques to help clients feel clear, respected, and empowered

Module 1 - What Do We Mean When We Say Boundaries?
Module 2 - Finding Interpersonal Peace Through Your Psychological Boundary

Session Two: Finding Interpersonal Peace Through Your Psychological Boundary

In this session, we will dive deeply into the work of increasing Psychological Boundary. We will define the brain regions involved and use this knowledge to inform clinical interventions. You will leave with the ability to differentiate between common adaptations clients deploy when they do not have Psychological Boundary and with practices your clients can execute right away to begin changing their brains now. We’ll see clinical work with clients to take the ideas out of the classroom and into session.

Learning objectives:

Define Psychological Boundary

Understand the parts of the brain involved in the creation of Psychological Boundary

Define how Psychological Boundary improves relationships

Identify common adaptations to boundary deficiency in this type of boundary

Understand how neural networks change in the brain

Learn practices that clients can use to increase their Psychological Boundary

Session Three: Living in Integrity with Your Containing Boundary

In this session, we will dive deeply into the work of increasing Containing Boundary. We will define the brain regions involved and use this knowledge to inform clinical interventions. You will leave with the ability to identify a lack of Containing Boundary and learn how to hold clients in finding clarity about their true integrity and work with them to live with accountability and moderation. We’ll look at clinical work with clients to take the ideas out of the classroom and into session.

Learning objectives:

Define Containing Boundary

Understand the parts of the brain involved in the creation of Containing Boundary

Define how Containing Boundary improves relationships with others and self

Identify common adaptations to boundary deficiency in this type of boundary

Understand how neural networks change in the brain

Learn practices that clients can use to increase their Containing Boundary and increase accountability to themselves and others

Module 3 - Living in Integrity with Your Containing Boundary
Module 4 - Executing Boundaries Interpersonally

Session Four: Executing Boundaries Interpersonally

In this session, we will work with healthy Executed Boundaries. You will leave with the ability to guide clients through a six-step process of healthy boundary execution. We will explore issues that often stop clients from executing boundaries in healthy ways, such as fearing disappointment, longing to control outcome, and longing to have boundaries to be answered in a specific way. We’ll examine clinical work with clients to take the ideas out of the classroom and into session.

Learning objectives:

Define Executed Boundary

Learn six steps that you can teach clients to guide healthy boundary setting

Define ways of thinking that get in the way of executing boundary well

Identify common adaptations to boundary deficiency in this type of boundary

Understand how the skills of Psychological and Containing Boundary are essential to support the Executed Boundary

Learn practices that clients can use to create healthy Executed Boundaries in their relationships

Session Five: Deepening Boundary Work: Safety and Grief

In this session, we will work with the repair of physical boundaries when they have been violated and with the grief that is an inherent part of all boundary work. You will leave with interventions to help clients shift the tone of their autonomic nervous system when there has been a boundary violation, as well as an understanding of how to help them process the grief and loneliness that almost always comes up doing this work. We’ll explore real clinical demos to take the ideas out of the classroom and into session.

Learning objectives:

Assess for safety related issues with boundary work

Learn interventions to reestablish the felt sense of safety and boundary

Identify how grief is present in each type of boundary work

Learn interventions to support clients in undoing aloneness while they are in grief processes

Module 5 - Deepening Boundary Work: Safety and Grief

“Juliane is an incredible teacher. She integrates it all--cutting-edge science and clinical mastery with grounded, practical wisdom and guidance. Juliane is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge, and her sophisticated understanding of the brain and mind are matched only by her clinical experience and intuition, not to mention her humility and humor. I quote her constantly in my own training of therapists. Under her guidance, my understanding of human development--and practical techniques for how to apply that understanding--have been profoundly enhanced. She is truly a gem in our field.”

— Tori Olds, PhD Austin, TX

Here’s Everything You Receive with

The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe

The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe Full Package

1) Five Prerecorded Teaching Modules

2) Five Recorded Training Calls

3) Private Membership Site

4) Downloadable Videos and Transcripts to Add to Your Library

Plus these special bonuses:

1) Boundaries and Parenting: Matching the Developmental Shifts in Your Child with Kim John Payne

2) Boundaries + Sex = Pleasure with Jami Lynn Bula

3) A Session on Boundaries

4) Meditations on Boundaries

5) A Therapist and Their Boundaries: Taking an Inner Journey to Improve Your Boundaries in the Chair, a workbook

6) Applied Boundary Work for Couples: Working with clients through Terry Real's Time Out Practice


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Join Juliane Shore for this special 5-Session Online Training


If you are a BIPOC helping professional, please accept our discounted enrollment price for this course by clicking here. We are glad to have you with us!

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100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

We are confident you will really enjoy and benefit from this online training. However, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, please contact our support team at [email protected] within 7 days of purchase and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Meet Your Presenter... Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP

Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP (AKA Jules) is a therapist and trainer of therapists in Austin, Texas. She specializes in applying Interpersonal Neurobiology to the healing of trauma and the creation of relational health with clients she sees. She uses her knowledge of the brain and the implicit mind to go decisively to the root of the issue with gentleness and depth.

Jules has been a specialist in trauma recovery and in couples counseling for 12 years, and loves to work experientially because that is how to meet and invite shifts in the implicit mind. She wants to help people find the love, connection, and grace they have always longed for, both in themselves and with each other.

In addition to seeing weekly clients and teaching, Jules offers intensives for couples and for individuals who come from all over to do in-depth work in a brief format.

Juliane Taylor Shore, LPC, LMFT, SEP

Frequently Asked Questions:


My work has felt less like 'work' since training with Jules. Knowing my own mind, and my own boundaries, has helped me tremendously. If you want to feel energized in this work, Jules is an incredible guide.

—Sara Miller, LPC Associate, Austin TX

It has been amazing, and I feel like it has already enhanced my practice. Throughout this course I was able to implement the concepts that I was learning with current clients, in particular around psychological boundary. It has had a positive impact on them. For me personally, it has prompted me to work with my therapist on my own boundaries, as I have a clearer understanding of where my challenges and strengths lie.

Katie Boyle

It has greatly broadened my work with boundaries and added the neurobiological piece to my previous limited knowledge. The membership site is amazing. I intend to spend many more hours absorbing the offerings.

Mercy Dennis

This course was astronomical in teaching me about Boundaries for my personal self and life. I have been in therapy for years and had never learned such crucial information. I also loved seeing Jules model appropriate interaction with her clients and us participants in the course. -Jeannette Perez

One of the best classes I've ever taken! Professionally and personally.


Jules has been brilliant! She is very inspiring and has a wonderful style of relating, explaining complex neuroscience clearly and simply. Her teachings lead me to feel a greater sense of confidence to apply this advanced learning of neuroscience within practical applications of boundary work.

Sue Weller

I am so grateful. Jules, you are inspiring and offer such wisdom.

Dr. Madelaine Tiller, R. Psychologist

This course was an eye opener for my. I never thought about boundaries in terms of types/kinds, I just looked at them in general. I now understand why there is/was such a struggle in this area. This course provided me with a wealth of tools, interventions to not only help my clients, but greatly improved my skills as well.

Ernestine Suggs

This was one of the best courses I've taken in changing my perspective around how to support myself and others around trauma and safety. Jules is one of the most awesome therapists I've ever heard and she is a fantastic teacher, even for those that. are not therapists (like myself). I am so impressed with her work and clear presentation of the material. Very easily understandable.

Sara Robinson

"Learning boundary work from Jules has changed how I conceptualize my time with both individuals and couples. Jules has taught me how to identify the struggle with clear boundaries within my clients and has helped me know how to support them in having deep compassion for themselves as they work towards developing a more coherent sense of themselves. As Jules says, boundary work is self-esteem work—and this is crucial for all of us."

—Kim Schafer, LPC, TX

"The way I engage with my work and with my clients continues to evolve with each training session I have with Jules. I become more embodied, even as I also become more aware of the neuroscience behind the techniques I use. I feel more confident. What I enjoy the most about it is that each session seems to help me realize that it's easier to do this work than it appears. That I truly can be MYSELF and that's enough. And that the more I can relax and trust, the more easily and comfortably my clients find what they need to move forward."

— Miranda Jane, LPC, Vermont

"What I find most appealing about Jules’s teaching is her ability to translate vast amounts of research into tangible, effective guidance for working with my clients.”

— Nathan Reeder, Therapist Austin TX

Here’s Everything You Receive with The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe

The Neurobiology of Feeling Safe Full Package

1) Five Prerecorded Teaching Modules

2) Five Recorded Training Calls

3) Private Membership Site

4) Downloadable Videos and Transcripts to Add to Your Library

Plus these special bonuses:

1) Boundaries and Parenting: Matching the Developmental Shifts in Your Child with Kim John Payne

2) Boundaries + Sex = Pleasure with Jami Lynn Bula

3) A Session on Boundaries

4) Meditations on Boundaries

5) A Therapist and Their Boundaries: Taking an Inner Journey to Improve Your Boundaries in the Chair, a workbook

6) Applied Boundary Work for Couples: Working with clients through Terry Real's Time Out Practice


Single Payment of


Join Juliane Shore for this special 5-Session Online Training


If you are a BIPOC helping professional, please accept our discounted enrollment price for this course by clicking here. We are glad to have you with us!

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